My sweet little brother
Smile with me
Blood is thicker than the tears of the dead
Even though I see images of lost spelt in your eyes
Shuuuu! Don’t shed anymore tears
I will burry your nightmares in our mother’s grave
Breathe brother
Hold me tight until the sun comes out
I will sing freedom for your weirdly fiasco
Lamp a kerosene light in the midst of your darkness
We are the only two from the broken ribs of our mother
And we will walk through valleys and mountains to survive time
Shuuu! Patience brother
Although there’re tears in my eyes
But the Lord shall be our strength
You walk with your naked feet, in the sun, in the cold
Seeing thieves coming to snatch me away from you
Truth be told, I will be here for you
Truth be told, I will quench the vacuum of your soul with my Love
Just hold me tight, I will be both mummy and daddy to you
Mummy left us so soon
And daddy will one day too
But I will be here, to breathe dust and calmness with you
To be your slippers and your oxygen
Your defender and your clown
Breathe with me my brother, I will host you in my heart
I see you in my eyes and tears
Feel loneliness biting your youthful yet hungry skin
I will cloth you with my flesh
Shelter you with my rags of a pieces
You will see, we will be joyful in God’s finest grace
We will not be left to the mercies of this world’s residue
The shadows of death will not come for you
I am your soldier and I will forever fight your battles for you
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