I’ve asked the angels to love you all the time

To let your heart be as playful as a happy child

And for your eyes to find you Love that stays

Ad long as the sun will continue on to shine

And let your kind smile heal and better this world

More than a thousand men have made it

You have a personality so big and bold and soft

Painting your heart on the face of every canvas

Your speciality strikes my heart with warmth

I see reflections of a great woman inside of you

Soar! You are as beautiful as your heart

Soar! You are as lively as the red dresses you love

My dearest and funny Laima

You are a rose that will resist the aging of time

A heart that will love as long as the birds fly

Keep being beautiful and kind to everyone

I wish you find beauty in all of your days

I wish you have the strength of a thousand girls

That have darling dreams to love and live up to

Laima darling, you are a rear gem full of lights

And I wish your lights never fade away

Stay here with a lively soul, you have people who love you and need your positive presence