The wait is a pain
It weighs like forever
Suddenly creeps in like a thief in the night
And leaves wrinkles on petals of sunflowers
The heart waits in the garden of memories
Seeking foreign emotions that would rekindle
Like the lanterns in the midst of the dark
Standing pretty and whole, witnessing hours
Beneath my silence, I need you to know this,
My heart is in relationship with your name
Longing for the return of your voice saying “I love you too”
The sweetness in these words might give me diabetes, haha
Scribbling everything retentively remembered
Eyes as sweet as Africa’s sugarcanes, longing
Holding each other’s surname close to our hearts
At this moment, death must not become of us
Time leaves us wrinkled in the face
Dinning in our memories, igniting dreams
Singing before us like crickets of the night
I held the day on her wrist and followed her
Maybe I meet you at the end of her wings
Trying to recreate the masterpiece we should be
The mind is able, so the hand tailors the dreams
Do you see me begin ?
A gallery of emotions weaved in your name
Silvered, waving to the beings of the oceans
I hope heaven visits us in our dreams
Enthralled by the kindness of our hearts
Asking us to forever live in her youthfulness
And Incase it does, what must we reply ?
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