Tears of a heart
Smiles of an eye
Two little beauties, fell in the ashes of a dead
Of deafened laughters, oozing from a thin smoke
Cheeks begging for the sunlight of your face
Tears tasting like a bottle of shampaigne
Somewhere beneath my beauty a smile dies
Like a secret teased out of a giggle
I became a room full of myself
There is a sky with stars beneath my feet
Decorated by the depth of your unseen dimples
Know, you’re a little bit of God and a little bit of me
Mapping breaths in veins of words we speak
Beautiful like the sound of silence
Like tears falling out to celebrate love
I will read this poem to a planet of hearts
Speak like I belong to the echoes of a night
I’ll be a Candela you see, A night of stars
My soul tapping and gossiping the secrets I hide
Under my tongue
Quiver and creaks
Like my uncertainty
Chased by my a thief
I made love with the sound of silence
Chased my darkness with rays of hope
I did not choose words
They chose me to give lights to their meanings
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