I bend a river with my tongue,
To tell stories known to my eyes
Dragged voices from the throats of men
Who’d steal the moonlight for themselves only
Pill the truth off a crowd’s face and hang it on a rope
Flushing humanity down the toilet, heart of a raven
I have tried to alphabetically fathom
How people lay blankets on truths that are so visible
Make it seem like it was never there in the first place
With a smile painted on their faces, unashamed
Here my feelings lay naked, on cold stones
Ousting love off the menu
Singing to you my moonlight
Entrusting colors to the wind
Still scared of a goodbye
Breaking empires to gift to a lover
Who’d later stab you with a laughter
Throw a life in the air, make it stay
Tailor each sin on the skin of water
Let it run like the branch of an oak tree
To the ends of nevermore
Perhaps the sun will find us
In our hiding skins and crawl us home
Into fully accepting ourselves again.
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