Scripted realities
Veiled symphonies
Every silence is a gun
Aiming for the soul, each time
For the nothingness to become you
Pick your poison
Every shine will fade-away
Leave you nursing a broken heart
A sorry cannot piece what’s broken
It stretches a wound into the casket
Crochets a city of hate around the tomb
And ask you to drown your righteousness
I am twenty one years too late
You are the rubble of my desires
Ocean’s eyes, some sculptural relief
Gently ebbing tides on roller coasters
Love will always asks for more tears
Sleeplessness sharp like a machete
Slicing deeper every time the night falls
When will time creep to close these shores?
Playgrounds will turn into prayer houses
Of promises that bend before the intend
Too much tombstone for earth tone men
Honey skinned, bruised by some ‘superiors’
Deteriorating at the triangle’s sharpest point
Is hate the role we are born to play?
Set kerosene on contentiousness?
What happened to our humanity?
What happened to love?
What happened to us?
Wisely, choose love over brokenness
There is no culture older than humanity
And If we must pick our poison,
Let’s pick love over hate
Love for self
Love for all
And let love be
Stronger than ego.
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