I peeled the skins off your truths
To wear it on the face of my generation
To find you breathing underneath all it’s marks
Your skin on my skin, your name on my heart
You are a world of names
And I am just their vessels
My hands tremble out of loneliness
They’ve forgotten the company you taught them
They remember the warmth of your kindness
My tongue stretches into a table
That knows only how to pray, carry your strength
And that of the joyous spirits of the older women
My eyes have ballooned into the skies
Whose only purpose is to lift your memories
They’ve seen your smiles penetrating from afar
My mind has photographed every piece
Of your being, your light, your laughter, us
In the ways the heavens can only dream of
The angels are envious, of your son’s prayers
And father
Whenever I say I love you
I mean there is no other love that beats this Love.
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