The nights’ sweat
The light didn’t come to save us
From ourselves, she came ready
With a season that will itch us to the bones
The eyes hunger
For something that delineates newness
Leaves tints of promises on the waters
The soul feeds on the smiles the past left
The crumbs for a second chance stay afloat
I found you
Before it all drenched
You were too far away from here
Wrapped in my father’s new warmth?
And into some endlessness, a baritone
Lay in my bed of silence, find some comfort
Shhh! the future has eyes that will look after you
You’ve not gotten any more nightmares
Yet, or have you, tell me
Of vultures that parade
To sing at your funeral
Oh! they will be shamed
Knowing you’ve thrived
Thank you
For filling in those shoes
For standing up in the mornings, unmasked
For being unashamed of your truth, your voice
And giving life another breath, another good fight.
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