I write this poem

For the ravishing loop inside

The one only a father’s love can rejuvenate


I write this poem

For the boy living in fear

I’ve been you and the light has found me now


I write this poem

For my mother, with whom I have learned

To kneeled before confusion with my trembling love

Not knowing when to gather my scattered pieces


I write this poem

For the man, I will become tomorrow

The yore has come to pave way for your light

Let the distance perish as you embrace the new


I write this poem

For the friends and ex-lovers, I’ve outgrown

You all have never really known me

And we are better off at far ends


I write this poem

For the amazing disagree

And all its unsettling shenanigans & bitterness

I hope you don’t set feet into my new terrace


I write this poem

For the ones who caused me pain

Then laughed while I hurt, in damage

The truth is I still remember your faces

And I have forgiven you now


I write this poem

For the darkness

You’ve loved me like no other, but

Please release my sunlight to replenish you now


I write this poem

As a handkerchief for tears, I am yet to shed

I am proof, I am loved, I am worthy, I got this

Let those tears out, but rise then they dry

And just like rain, this too shall pass


I write this poem

For the angry flood

Do not wet my face again

Or sink me into your mud again


I write this poem

For the cold nights ahead

Please remember I am a sunflower


I write this poem

For the peace I long for

Bless the gardens of my life with all your seeds

Lamin, do I hear you say amen?


I write this poem

For the stubborn wound of a lover

Do not stretch the past into my present


I write this poem

For all my bullies

Your pain inspired my growth

And I hope your children look up to me


I write this poem

For the new friends, I’ve met

Your friendship refreshes me and I love you all

I hope you stay, but if you leave, I’ll understand


I write this poem

For my well built lover of a soulmate

Find me when the sun comes out

And stay as long as I exist, loving me strong


I write this poem

For my beloved father

You have loved me before I knew love

I hope the passing is forever easy on you


I write this poem

For the clumsy hands of death

Be gentle on the ones you’ve taken from me


I write this poem

for you listening

Be kind and ooze love upon everyone

You’ll never know who is standing at your sickbed