To the boy who thinks himself a sunflower, craft emotions with his naked hands, you are enough, you are everything you say you are.

I don’t walk around with a basket full of my struggles

I don’t expect you to know them

I am a house full of myself

My father, he asked that I unite my heart, mind and soul

Then my freedom will come like the blessed rain

Well father, I have tried

But hurt is like the heart turning itself into a dagger

Destroying everything that holds strength,

But I am a sunflower

And I don’t last forever, just like humans

I have days when the sun shines not enough

Days when the rain sweeps me off my home

And days when the wind breaks my arms and feet

But I still remain looking this beautiful

There is so much hidden behind my beautiful

I just learn to hide inside of my own smiles

Like me, a sunflower, you know sunflowers don’t say

And they can’t be everyone’s favorite