What good is love in the grave?
This world is cruel,
To a child who cannot run home,
Into his father’s arms,
And feels like he owns something
Someone who will forever be around
What good is love in the grave?
I stabbed my silence with this question
And watched it bleed loneliness into my empty
As I break myself before the bathroom mirror
Pain too is an evil artist
Asking the heart to become a wound
But what good is love in the grave?
What good is love in the grave?
Still I cannot fathom,
But with every inch of my faith
I know, someone now watches me from above
And I still can’t begin to understand if this is true
If what happened really happened
Still I ask
What good is love in the grave?
What good is love in the grave?
God, can you hear me?
Feel the pain, but stay strong als u always are my friend… U might not find love from the grave, that love you are looking for is allready within you.
Thank you my friend.
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The above phrases, and much more which you probably know, are widespread in many people’s lives. Maybe you have some from your childhood which still persist in your life today. Compare the above phrases with the ones below.