The streets rumored “he came a changed man”
A boy, overwhelmingly stripped of his roots
I stood in the midst of it all, with my sunglasses
I replied “I didn’t struggle to remain the same”
Lonely in these words, straight into their ears
Faith as tiny as a moringa leaf
Healthy, but with an emotional baggage
Lifting everything dead on these shoulders
On the routes to my home, where I was born
I levitated, yes I have grown and I have evolved
But I am not more than the rest of you
I came back to the land of my birth a stranger
My home feels different, even the taste distant
The eyes judged me, “you act too different”
Yesterday a man accused me of acting too white
Said my heart must be filled with thorns
Pricking everything my home has made me
“Drown your new self into the river” they said
These words grew feathers and they swallow me
Now, I am drawn between new and old
And perhaps my home has changed to love me
Home for me will be where my heart feels alive
Where eyes don’t stammer when they see me
“Live” they should say to their brave son
And I shall share with them the gifts of my journey
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