I have shown you all of me

My indelible scars

My summers

My laughters


The feet of my silence

The wrinkles on my heart

My mother’s secret recipes

My father last words and wishes


I have shown you me

In the ways the sun hasn’t seen me

Gave shape to all these spilling emotions

Replaced every burn on your skin with stars

Made you coffee, held your hands whiles you sleep


I have,

Made you art with my tears

With my shapeshifting rhythm

My childhood dripping down my elbows

Cracked lips, shimmering hands, still I tell more

Showed you every tint, every colour I wear on the inside


I have shown you too much of everyone I am

Too much of everything I sow

Too much of everything I ooze

Too much of everything I harvest

That I now stand dressed, yet naked before you.